If one is passionate about art, he’ll definitely express his ideas in one form or the other. He may undergo a feeling to ‘consume’ different types of art just like how other people get culinary cravings! Isn’t it similar to having cravings for food? Yeah, we can interpret this innate yearning as the art cravings! Now, what will be the ‘food’ for this craving? Of course, to have what you really want to have, that’s it!
Devour for Art An artist probably feels as passionately about art as a scientist about his experiments. He lives for his art. His existence is ‘sustained’ by his art and gives meaning and purpose to his life. He expresses his feelings, thoughts, emotions, relationships, all through art. He uses art as a language to speak and converse with. An artist can also’ communicate’ with his painting! He sees his artwork as a small baby growing up in front of his eyes.
Ideas on the ‘plate’ A masterpiece is created with great love, dedication, concentration, self-confidence and belief in oneself. If an artist paints what he thinks, without caring for what others would say, then only he’ll create a great art work. An artist’s work is a reflection of his own. He has a different ‘eye’ for nature. He can relate to the different elements of nature in a distinctive manner. He always finds something new in the same usual looking view. Artists can sensibly relate to and are deeply connected to the things around them.
In ‘Art’ time and space When an artist paints, he is probably in an altogether different state of mind. For some, it is like meditation. Artists do not care about the number of hours they put into their work, but are only concerned about the work itself. They just want to be in their own time and space to fulfil their desire of giving physical appearance to their thoughts. As a matter of fact, they actually run short of time, as they are full of thoughts and ideas and have so much to share in only one lifetime! It may take a long time before one realises innate call to indulge in art and it may take a further toll of time and patience to acquire the requisite skills. Sometimes, people do not express their artistic affinity, or do not give it requisite time and manifestation. But their artistic disposition does find its way to come to light, sooner or later.
Devotion and Focus An extra-ordinary devotion and focus makes an artist. Artists are focused only on their art, and absolutely nothing else. It is their love and passion for their own work that helps them to stay focussed and sail through all ups and downs that may come. They are not bothered about people’s comments, any kind of rejections, or related unexpected responses. One has to show perseverance to pursue the aim even when the conditions are unfavorable, which is likely to be the case. To foster one’s creativeness, immense hard work and determination are required.
Pursuit for learning and perfection Learning for an artist is never ending! An artist is ‘born’ with a desire to learn and aim to grow. It is important for an artist to constantly upgrade himself and to keep abreast with the latest developments, and then only he can do real justice to his work and advance further. If an artist is a lifelong learner, highly motivated and believes in himself, he is bound to scale great heights. A desire for innovation and to push the boundaries is also an essential quality of an artist. In quest of precision, an artist keeps on experimenting and subsequently evolving with his techniques and style. Being self-critical is also equally important for self-improvement. An artist himself is the best critique of his work. This provides ample scope for improvisation and brings excellence in the work.
Inspiration for others An artist actually shares his ideas with the world and inspires many lives through his paintings. An artist’s work is great if it can hook onlookers to itself. If an art work is able to sensitise someone and touch other’s feelings deeply, then only it has a true meaning and that’s what an artist constantly strives for! It gives the actual worth of the piece of creation and the real identity to the artist.
Satisfied? As we feel contented after consuming food according to our own choice and taste, so is the case with art cravings. If the art is done to express own ideas and thoughts, out of love and passion for it, but not for anything or anybody else, probably one can gratify his ‘appetite’ for art! Unless done, not satisfied!