Joyita Basak
In the darkest hours of lockdown period when we all are leading our life with shocking circumstances, for me painting has been the strength to overcome from the negativity of current situation. Understanding the proper meaning of social distancing during this pandemic outburst, I have started expressing myself and my positivity through my paintings. I hope this world will heal soon.
My painting “The stairs” is a portrayal of the beauty of stairs of life which describes the ups and downs in a path of life. Through this phase, we all are still hoping for a better healing. I have tried to express this thought through my painting of stair which absolutely refers to the life is full of stairs of ups and downs.
This painting “Natural charms” is a combination of the beauty of a nature, through the daily chores and parks of daily activities, we have forgot to take care of our nature, so during this lockdown, nature is healing as fast as it can. This painting is truly dedicated to a better future of our nature land.