‘I have lived the most protected and pampered life. Painting away and taking so many things for granted, until, one day when hell fell upon my shoulders. Having been completely unaware that hardships of a huge magnitude may happen in life, I was crestfallen, as my family always let me live in my illusionary perfect dream world. Over time however, my paintings got deeper as my emotions went on a triple loop roller coaster! Somehow, all my paintings began revolving around the concept of a home. My root connections to culture and home, sometimes the modern home, sometimes my dream home !
Meanwhile, the Covid-19 issue came up, giving me more time in my home and lost within the concept of home that I painted about. It is a blissful feeling for an artist, to be with her canvas and not many other callings.
But soon I realised my new privilege. While the Covid-19 issue is faced by the entire world, it’s not the same for each. The news flashed the migrants issue, and looking at the images made my heart ache. While I had been making paintings of homes and luxury, here were people who don’t have luxurious homes, and yet are desperate enough to lose their lives to reach them. Their helplessness was heart wrenching, all they could do is take what they have and move towards their home irrespective of the distance or the means, only relying on their feet and strength.
This inspired me to paint them, or at least my reflection of the scenes I saw on the news, while I was still in the comfort on my home. The more I painted them, the more I felt compelled to represent their struggles through my art.
As privileged people it is our calling to help the migrants. My paintings may be a means to tell their stories but I believe that they don’t need our pity, they need our help!
I have created a series of 12 paintings of migrants.’