After months of closure when viewers were privy to virtual shows alone, the Tao Art Gallery of Mumbai is holding its first post-Covid physical exhibition, titled ‘Textures and Layers’, which opens on 16 December. The show features the works of artist Michelle Poonawalla alongside five other artists, including Revati Sharma Singh, Kisalay Vora, Jaideep Mehrotra, Kalpana Shah and Shruti Jhaveri.
The works celebrate the phenomena of physical presence by including sculptural elements in the works of Michelle Poonawalla. Her key offering at this exhibition is the work titled ‘Blue Wave’ which is inspired by the city of Mumbai and its coastal location by the sea. The work titled ‘Desert Rose’ by Poonawalla, draws the inherent beauty of natural patterns as seen in the outdoors . The work titled ‘Golden Flutter’, is a nod to the recent collaboration by therapist with the Italian design house of Inkiostro Bianco.
The works are buzzing with energy in their ability to step beyond the confines of the canvas and explore the world without. The show is therefore an echo of our desires and hopes once the present condition globally, is ended. The shows runs on till 10 January, allowing viewers a chance to give themselves a New Year treat by a physical visit to the gallery. The online viewing privilege is accessible by art lovers alongside, through the duration of the exhibition.