2020 shall remain etched in time as the year that rendered the world helpless in the face of a mighty enemy. Seeking refuge in Indian mythology, Madhusudan celebrates the one thing that binds all of humanity- HOPE. As Krishna lifted the mighty Mount Govardhan to save Vrindavan from the ire of Lord Indra, doctors, nurses, army and police, supported by the masses, have come forward to save the human race by fulfilling their individual roles. The painting is a tribute to the ‘Corona Warriors’ and a celebration of the spirit that binds us all.
The Hindu Mythology offers a rich repository of powerful symbols, much to the delight of Madhusudan, who has in the past used them as inspiration for his creations. In ‘Shakti’, Madhusudan invokes the Hindu Goddess Durga, a powerful metaphor of collective energy, of an indomitable force against the enemy. Madhusudan sees the same unwavering spirit in the medical staff, army, police and all other people in the forefront of the fight against the present day Mahishasura- the Corona virus.